The African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario (ACCHO) has developed a social media series dubbed, ‘After Dark Chat’. This initiative will be delivered both virtually and hybrid with interactive sessions that will be hosted on our Instagram and YouTube platforms. The aim is to foster open discussions on taboo topics like HIV, sex, stigma, and sexuality in a comfortable space. The program is geared towards African Caribbean and Black (ACB) community members and will use a combination of subject matter experts, personal narratives, and interactive sessions to educate and engage its audience. After Dark Chat will be a catalyst of breaking stigma and discrimination surrounding HIV, promote sexual health, and encourage people to have open and honest conversations about their experiences.
- To increase awareness amongst ACB community members about HIV Prevention, Treatment & Care, Stigma, and Disclosure.
- To facilitate conversations that focuses on combating stigma and discrimination associated with HIV.
- To promote sexual health and encourage open conversations about sexual health.
- To create a safe space for people living with HIV to share their stories and experiences.
- To provide access to resources and support for those living and affected by HIV.
Target Audience
The target audience are primarily members of the African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) community across Ontario. The program will be delivered on social media platforms and will potentially reach other audiences outside of its primary population reach.
The mode of delivery will primarily be virtual and occasionally hybrid. The duration of the sessions will range between 60-90 minutes, led by expert facilitators and community members in the respective topics. Each session will feature a guest speaker who is a subject matter expert, ACCHO Strategy Worker(s) that will co-host along side the facilitator who is a ACCHO staff. Members of the community joining virtually will be engaged through online chats and video and the facilitator will take questions from both in-person and online participants to address them accordingly by providing information and clarity were needed from the panel.
Measurement and Evaluation
To measure the success of the program, evaluation tools (surveys, and polls) will be implemented that will be administered in-person and virtually to gather feedback from our audience to assess their knowledge and attitudes towards HIV, sex, stigma, disclosure, and the overall program. We will use this feedback to improve the program to better meet the needs of our target population.
After Dark Chat mode of delivery will provide several benefits to our target audience. Firstly, it will provide a safe space for people to learn and ask questions about HIV and sexual health. Secondly, it will reduce the stigma and discrimination associated with HIV by promoting open and honest conversations about the topic. Thirdly, it will provide access to resources and support for those affected by HIV, including testing and counseling services and being a resource hub. Fourthly, it will provide a platform for people living with HIV to share their stories and experiences, reducing isolation, and promoting a sense of community.
In conclusion, it will create a space for Strategy Workers to further understand the ACB community with the information garnered. This is an opportunity to leverage the findings obtained in these discussions to enhance initiatives that will further meet community members’ needs. After Dark Chat will also feature personal stories/testimonies and experiences of community members to address the humane component of evolving issues and trends.